Process description
Procedures for Covering Expenditure Related to the Recognition of a Person's Professional Qualificat
Step 1. Submit an application to the Ministry of Agriculture (Annex 1 to Regulation No 827). Add to the application:
- a copy of the personal identification document;
- documents certifying education and professional qualifications (diplomas and annexes thereto (extracts of performance), with translation into Latvian)
- documents from the country of origin concerning the right to pursue a profession in that country (certificates, licences, registration, etc. if any);
- a statement of work experience abroad (if any);Recognition of the professional qualification of the application and a statement of the Ministry of
The agricultural data centre (upon receipt of the submission of the applicant for the recognition of professional qualifications and a statement of the Ministry of Agriculture regarding the level of education obtained by the applicant) shall compare the content of the professional qualification acquired in foreign states with the requirements specified in Latvia in the fields of the expert for the evaluation of agricultural animals, supervise and artificial insemination technician professions specified in Regulation No 116.
The agricultural data centre shall take a decision within a specified period. The decision should be taken within 4 months on the professional qualifications obtained by the EU, within 6-12 months on professional qualifications obtained outside the EU since all documents were submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture. If the applicant for recognition of professional qualifications is a representative of the diaspora, a decision on the recognition of professional qualifications shall be taken within 2-3 months.
If the education acquired by the applicant complies with the requirements specified in Latvia for work in the professions of an expert for the evaluation of agricultural animals, supervision and artificial insemination technician, the Agricultural Data Centre shall issue a decision regarding the fact that the professional qualification has been recognised and the applicant receives a certificate for the recognition of professional qualifications.
If the education acquired by the applicant only partially complies with the requirements set out in Latvia for work in the professions of the farm animal assessment expert, supervisor and artificial insemination technician, and this non-compliance is essential, the Agricultural Data Centre shall issue a decision that the applicant has to complete a qualification examination or have to undergo an adaptation period.
If the education acquired by the applicant does not comply with the requirements specified in Latvia for the work of an expert for the evaluation of agricultural animals, supervising and artificial insemination technician, the Agricultural Data Centre shall provide information and advise the applicant regarding the opportunities to acquire education in Latvia that will give the right to work.
The decision of the agricultural data centre may be challenged again by the applicant for the recognition of professional qualifications in the Agricultural Data Centre, which will re-evaluate the applicant's application or in court.
* the Ministry draws attention to the fact that, in accordance with Cabinet Regulation No. 733 of 7 July 2009, Regulations regarding the extent of the knowledge of the official language, the procedures for examining the proficiency of the official language and the State fee for verifying the proficiency of the official language, the specialists of the natural sciences and related sciences referred to in Annex 1 need the knowledge of the official language in conformity with level B grade 2.Provision of short-term professional services for the evaluation of livestock and MA.
Persons entitled to pursue a professional activity in the fields of animal assessment expert, supervising and artificial insemination technician in the EU or EEA States, as well as Switzerland, may work on a temporary basis without the recognition of professional qualifications. In such a case, meeting the requirements of Regulation No 47, the person must submit a declaration to the Agricultural Data Centre and must be accompanied by:
- a copy of the personal identification document;
- a copy of the document certifying the nationality of the applicant, accompanied by a translation into the official language;
- documents attesting to the education and professional qualifications corresponding to the profession indicated in the declaration (originals or certified copies), accompanied by a translation of the document into the official language;
- documents (originals) of the competent authorities of the State of legal status which certify the right of the applicant to pursue a professional activity in the relevant profession or part of the professional activities of the regulated profession, if the applicant wishes to provide such temporary services by adding a translation of documents into the official language;
- a document issued by the competent authorities of the country of law attesting that the person is not deprived or restricted from the right to pursue a professional activity in a profession in which temporary services will be provided, accompanied by a translation into the official language;
- a document issued by the competent authority of the applicant's home State certifying the duration and type of professional activity of the applicant in the regulated profession in which temporary services will be provided, accompanied by a translation of the document into the official language;
To pay for recognition of professional qualifications of EUR 240
May submit a submission:
• personally (address: Republic Square 2, Riga LV-1010; tel. 67027240, 67027241);
• by post (address: Republic Square 2, Riga LV-1010);
• electronically signed documents with a secure electronic signature (
• in the E - address of the institution
Contact details: Agricultural Data Center,; Tel. 67027240, 67027241.
For more information on the procedure for recognition of professional qualifications, see the Academic Information Centre, E-mail:, tel. 67225155.Request for a certificate Agricultural Data Centre
1. An application for a certificate for action within a specific scope must be submitted: accompanied by a copy of the education, training and practical training documents or statements.
Payment information must be added:
2. Documents may be submitted by authorising: in the Single Application System under Applications/Adding a completed Application, Educational Document and a certificate of learning practical skills in the relevant field of activity and a copy of a document certifying theoretical training
2.1. by adding a completed application, a document certifying education and a statement regarding the acquisition of practical skills in the relevant field of activity and a copy of a document certifying theoretical training.
3. Payment for the certificate shall be transferred to the account of the Agricultural Data Centre:
Consignee: Agricultural Data Centre
VAT max. No 90001840100
State Treasury Rams Settlement Centre
Current account: LV88TREL2160380004000
Revenue code: 21499
The purpose of the payment must indicate: Name of the certificate and the name of the holder of the certificate, Last name (if the payment is made by another person).
4. The date of the examination shall be communicated to the receiving channel indicated in the application.
4.1. If the examination is not passed, it may be re-organised in accordance with the procedures specified by regulatory enactments.Receipt of services
After passing an examination, the Data Centre (3) shall, within a period of three working days after the taking of the commission's decision, include a certificate and a certificate in the register of persons who have obtained the certificate.
At the request of a person, the Data Centre shall produce and issue a certificate (in the form of a paper document) in accordance with the selection of the request.Contact details of the industry association
Agricultural Organisation Cooperation Council (LOSP)
Republic Square Office 2, 523, Riga, LV-1010, Latvia
Tel. +371 26311133